
The brand strives to lower environmental impact by choosing yarns made of recycled materials, reducing the use of raw materials, and preventing already used materials to end up in an environment. As a small brand, we are still working to find better choices for every design, since many fabrics have high order minimums.

Our design ideology starts from the usability and comfort of each piece. The more times a garment is worn – the more it is get out of the resources used to make it. That is why it is important to follow care instructions to keep the garments' lifespan as long as possible. Wash only when necessary to lower the garment's environmental impact. When washing polyester and polyamide garments, use a washing bag that gathers microplastics.

We are producing within the EU. Our first collection is made in Finland and we have been able to visit our factories to verify that the production conditions meet our requirements.

Pyrimme valitsemaan kestäviä, vastuullisia ja mukavia materiaaleja ympäristövaikutusten minimoimiseksi ja varmistaaksemme, että tuote on käytössäsi pitkään.

Brändi suosii kierrätettyjä materiaaleja, pienentääkseen ympäristö-vaikutuksiaan. Kierrätysmateriaalien etu on, että hyödynnetään olemassa olevia materiaaleja, joka vähentää uusien materiaalien käyttöä ja auttaa ehkäisemään esimerkiksi muovijätteen jäämistä luontoon. Osa tuotteista on tehty perinteisistä materiaaleista, sillä pienellä brändillä ei suurien tilausminimien vuoksi ole ollut mahdollista hankkia kierrätettynä vaihtoehtona.

Suunnittelun ideologia perustuu käytettävyyteen ja mukavuuteen, koska mitä useammin vaatetta käytetään, sitä enemmän siihen käytetyistä resursseista saadaan irti. On myös tärkeää seurata vaatteen hoito-ohjeita, että vaatteen käyttöikä olisi mahdollisimman pitkä. Pese tuote vain kun oikeasti on tarve. Polysteri- ja polyamidivaatteita pestessä suosittelemme käyttämään pesupussia, joka kerää mikromuovia.

Tuotamme EU:ssa. Ensimmäinen mallisto on tuotettu Suomessa, joten olemme vierailleet tuotantotiloissa ja varmistaneet että tuotanto vastaa vaatimuksiamme.

Read more of our key materials here:

Econyl® Regenerated Nylon


Rpet, recycled polyester

Organic cotton & conventional cotton

ECONYL® Regenerated Nylon

1. ECONYL® is 100% regenerated nylon fiber/yarn from pre and post-consumer waste such as fishing nets and other nylon waste;

2. ECONYL® regenerated nylon is made from nylon waste otherwise polluting the Earth, like fishing nets, fabric scraps, carpet flooring, and industrial plastic.

Discover the process:

_01 Rescue

The ECONYL® Regeneration System starts with rescuing waste otherwise polluting the Earth, like fishing nets, fabric scraps, carpet flooring and industrial plastic all over the world. That waste is then sorted and cleaned to recover all of the nylon possible.

_02 Remake

ECONYL® regeneration nylon is processed into yarns and polymers for the fashion and interior industries.

_03 Regenerate

Through radical regeneration and purification process, the nylon waste is recycled right back to its original purity. That means ECONYL® regenerated nylon is exactly the same as fossil-based nylon.

_04 Reimagine

Fashion brands and carpet producers use ECONYL® regenerated nylon to create brand-new products. And that nylon has the potential to be recycled infinitely, without ever losing its quality. The goal is that once all products containing ECONYL® are no longer useful to customers, they can go back into step one of the Regeneration System.

Read more:


Ecovero is viscose, which has made of certified wood pulp, renewable raw material. It has lower water impact and CO2 emissions when compared to regular viscose.


Rpet is recycled polyester made of recycled post-consumer plastic packaging. Prevents plastic waste from ending on the landfill or water systems. Lower CO2 emissions and production require less energy when compared to conventional polyester.

Organic Cotton & Conventional Cotton

Since products' comfort and durability are important factors in a garment's lifespan, cotton has still been a choice for some pieces, such as t-shirts.

In the future, Dali Dali aims to replace cotton with fabrics that have less harmful impacts on the environment.

Problems related to cotton are that there is no complete data on how much better option organic cotton is related to conventional cotton. Additionally, there is a problem in that the demand for organic cotton is greater than the supply.